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A Little Help From Our Friends

"And now, a word from our commercial sponsor..."

Didn't you used to hate that when those fateful words leaped out at you from your TV screen and interrupted an otherwise perfectly good show?

So did we. But now, we're doing pretty much the same thing here on our Hyper Epics website. But--trust us here--it's for a very good reason.

As much as every editor, writer and artist in our Clubhouse would love to do what we do--create entertaining, thought-provoking three-page epic comics for you, our readers--for free, that's not the way the world works. Bills have to be paid, creators have to eat and ideas have to be able to come to fruition.

We say all that to say this: We need your help. As you probably know, we provide every issue for free on this website. In order to keep it this way, we're asking if you can possibly step up and help support us.

On our home page, you'll see a prompt that says "Support Us". Please take the time to click on it and read on. For a modest "subscription" fee, you will help us continue telling better stories, feature industry artists and hopefully finance print installments. 

Hyper Epics--as created by owner and publisher Tom Hoover--is an independent entity without corporate sponsorship. We're telling stories from the heart, and funding all costs out of pocket. But here's where you--our readers and fans--come in big time.

For just $2 or more per month, we will add your name to the official website credits here on For a mere $5 or more per month, you'll get your name added to the official site credits AND we'll also give you high resolution digital copies of the stories we publish that month.

And, for just $10 a month, we'll add your name to our site AND we'll send you copies of our comics AND we'll loop you into sneak previews on our "patron-only" feed (as well as other "members only" exclusives)!

Anyway, that's our pitch. And it comes from the heart. We want to be here for the long run, providing you with quality alternatives to the "Big Guys". But we can't do it without help from you "Big Guys".

Keep reading and help us keep doing what we love.

Thanks from the entire Clubhouse. You guys are the best!


Thomas A. Tuna

Managing Editor


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